Tech In The City

Rochester, MN (US)




The future belongs to organizations that are open to common thinking and able to cooperate.

Tech In The City's platform is the home of individuals and organizations who think together, are open to cooperation, and explore the paths of renewal and development. As a committed supporter of the development of domestic innovation, startup and entrepreneurial culture, we consider one of our most important tasks to be the promotion of collaboration across industries and sectors, and the creation of a professional network of partners lined up behind this.

We are responsible for the domestic activities of such well-known international organizations as Startup Grind, Global Entrepreneurship Network, World Summit Awards, Global Student Entrepreneur Awards and Emerging Europe. We are active players in the domestic and regional startup, innovation and technology sector.

The central element of our activity is the promotion and development of domestic and international knowledge sharing, as well as the exchange of experience and information. We conduct a continuous discourse and build partnerships with key global and regional professional players.

Through our networks, we can provide unique access to a wide variety of international entrepreneurial and business programs, forums, communities, competitions, and a speaker, expert, and mentor pool.

Tech In The City, as a committed supporter of the development of domestic innovation, startup and entrepreneurial culture, considers the promotion of collaboration across industries and sectors to be one of its most important tasks.

Past events

Zight Feature Workshop

Emerging Trends and Prospects in Mobile Technology

Future Trends

Workshop: Design Thinking

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Ricky Cheak