




Welcome to Supered!

Where connections are made multiple times a week through training, enablement, and entertainment.

Join us in our goal to connect people through engaging events while

Together, we'll superedcharge our knowledge and relationships in a vibrant and supportive community.

Choose your own Supered Adventure:

Plug into a ⚡️SURGE⚡️ Event - Your Supered User Resource Group for Enforcement

Connect with integration partners during a Supered N' Friends Event

  • Find tools to enhance your job

  • Replace antiquated processes and systems.

  • Identify application partners to work with to build a better ecosystem.

  • See you at a future SNF event.

Weekly Trainings to ensure you are getting the most out of Supered.

Jam out to a custom music video or party with other Supered Users in Slack

Catch up on previous event recordings

Get Supered

Supered is a digital adoption platform built for the HubSpot ecosystem.

Users can instantly deliver training and guidance to teams when and where they need it, increasing tool/process adoption, productivity, and retention.

Past events

⚡️SURGE⚡️ | Supered User Resource Group for Enforcement 05.02.24

⚡️SURGE⚡️ | Supered User Resource Group for Enforcement